Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Thanks maximum volume!

While my colleague at maximum volume was late to the Facebook party, he has been a huge help in my attempts to try this thing that's called blogging.

It is, in a way anathema to journalists, such as myself. It has become a tool by which anyone with a keyboard and half a brain can now claim to be a journalist -- posting random items as news.

It can be insulting, and frustrating to journalists, such as myself, that still have to rely on those pesky things called FACTS, before we put our byline on something.

However, maybe there is something to this. The freedom to write something that is my own -- my own thoughts, opinions, on ... whatever.

And maybe, by putting my own thought, opinions, and whatnot out there, I'll learn what it means to be a true writer.

Not just a journalist, with facts and figures and quotes at her disposal, but a writer, with thoughts, feelings and opinions — to be shared, and perhaps criticized by others.

We'll see. ...

First people have to find me!

But for what it's worth, thanks maximum volume!

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